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Pop the console of JS library websites to demo the library

1 min read

Did you know that often you can pop the console of a JS library website to demo the library?

This is a great way to quickly test out a library without having to set up a project or write any code.



For example, in Decimal.js you can pop the console and run:

> const a = new Decimal(0.1)

> const b = new Decimal(0.2)



decimal.js screenshot


At Lodash you can run:

_.difference(['a','b','c'], ['b','c'])


lodash screenshot


At Moment.js you can run:

moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')

'August 13th 2024, 11:16:55 am'

moment.js screenshot


At date-fns you can run:

// init date-fns on the page

// use the _ object to access date-fns functions
_.addDays(new Date(), 5)

'Sun Aug 18 2024 11:18:39 GMT+1000 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)'

Date Fns even prompts you from within the console.

date-fns screenshot

So next time you're checking out a JS library, remember to pop the console and give it a spin!

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